Legal Representation Essential if Facing Multiple DUI Convictions If you or a loved one is charged with a DUI and you already have a DUI conviction on your record (or multiple DUI convictions), then it is critical that you contact
Continue reading Facing Multiple DUI Convictions in Los AngelesConsuming Caffeine Illegal in California?
Nearly 55% of Americans drink coffee every single day. Furthermore, the average American consumes 3.1 cups of coffee per day, according to So, how is it that a California man is facing criminal charges for being “intoxicated” on caffeine?
Continue reading Consuming Caffeine Illegal in California?Mandatory (DUI) Ignition Interlock Devices In California
Governor Signs Mandatory Ignition Interlock Bill Into Law If you or a loved one are charged with a DUI, the stakes just went up, making a conviction even more onerous, even for first-time offenders. The California legislature passed a Senate
Continue reading Mandatory (DUI) Ignition Interlock Devices In CaliforniaMandatory Ignition Interlock Device Bill in California
The California legislature passed a bill that would mandate the use of ignition interlock devices if you or a loved one is convicted of driving while under the influence (DUI). The state senate voted unanimously in favor of Senate Bill
Continue reading Mandatory Ignition Interlock Device Bill in CaliforniaUnderstanding the Penalties Associated with a DUI Conviction
Getting charged with Driving while Under the Influence (DUI) is quite serious and carries significant, potentially life-altering penalties if convicted. If you or a loved one is facing a DUI charge, you need to fight for your rights since a
Continue reading Understanding the Penalties Associated with a DUI ConvictionDUI Checkpoints: Understanding Your Rights
You are driving along Sunset Boulevard when you see a DUI checkpoint ahead. Your mind begins racing. What should you do? As a general rule, law enforcement officers must have probable cause to pull you over and inspect your vehicle.
Continue reading DUI Checkpoints: Understanding Your RightsUnderage DUI Charges

According to authorities, five people were injured, two critically, early Tuesday morning during a suspected DUI crash that involved multiple cars. The driver of the alleged responsible car is 19. DUI Accident Just after midnight Van Nuys police were called to
Continue reading Underage DUI ChargesAfter a DUI Car Accident

You’ve just gotten in a car accident. Glass is shattered, maybe the air bag is deflating, and you’ve maybe had a few beers to drink. Here’s what you should do if you’ve been in a DUI car accident. DUI Car
Continue reading After a DUI Car AccidentWhat It Means to Violate Parole

After you are released from prison there is a general period of re-integration referred to as “parole.” During this time, you are expected to comply to certain terms and conditions. If you are found to be in violation of this,
Continue reading What It Means to Violate ParoleMarine Sentenced for Fatal DUI

Jared Ray Hale, a 28-year-old former marine sergeant will spend 11 years in state prison for his involvement with a fatal DUI. DUI Sentence Hale received a sentence of 11 years in prison for killing three of his fellow marines
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