Theft at Sephora

February 18, 2015
Theft at Sephora

At 9:30 p.m., on February 11, 2015, officers were called to the Sephora store at Third Street Promenade regarding a theft that occurred at the store. Investigating Theft When officers arrived at the Sephora, they immediately made contact with a

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Cardboard Theft

February 13, 2015
Cardboard Theft

Though it might seem strange to hear, cardboard theft is actually a big problem in Los Angeles. Cardboard Theft is Actually Theft Though you wouldn’t think cardboard theft is actually theft, it is. “It’s big, big money – for somebody,” said

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LAX Luggage Theft

February 5, 2015
LAX Luggage Theft

In March 2014 Airport police and the LAPD detained 14 people and made 6 arrests during what would be touted as the raid that broke up one of the biggest property thefts to happen at Los Angeles International Airport. No

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