What Does “Indictment” Mean?

You’ve probably heard the word “indictment” on the news or in court shows. But what exactly does it mean? And what does it mean for a person that has been indicted?
An indictment is a formal accusation of a crime. A person that has been indicted has been formally accused of committing a crime.
There are other ways for a person to be accused of committing a crime, but in the United States indictments are used, especially for federal crimes, to formally accuse a person. They are used less frequently in state court systems. According to the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, a person cannot be charged with a capital or other infamous crime other than being indicted by a grand jury. But this amendment is not extended to state courts.
What Happens if You’re Indicted?
Understanding the Law with the Help of a Lawyer
Sources: Atttorneys.com, What Is a Criminal Indictment? 2014 and Ask.com, What happens after an indictment? 2015
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