Petraeus Pleads Guilty to Federal Charge

Recently released court documents show that as part of his plea deal, Gen. David Petraeus pleaded guilty to one federal charge of removing and retaining classified information.
Plead Guilty to Federal Charge
Petraeus resigned from his CIA post, citing personal reasons, on November 9, 2012.
Petraeus admitted he removed several “black books” which are notebooks in which he kept classified and non-classified information during his time as the commander of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan. These 5-by-8 inch black notebooks contained information including identity of covert officers, war strategy, notes from diplomatic and national security meetings, and security words. He also admitted that after removing the “black books” he then gave them to his biographer, Paula Broadwell.
Classified Information to Broadwell
During his time as director of the CIA, Petraeus allegedly provided classified intelligence to Broadwell, who was his lover and biographer. Broadwell was married and is the mother of two. The relationship between the two was revealed as the result of an FBI investigation into a complaint that Broadwell had been allegedly sending harassing emails to another woman that was close to Petraeus.
“No Classified Materials in Possession”
After retrieving the notebooks he had dropped off to Broadwell, Petraeus retrieved them and brought them to his home in Arlington, Va. This was in 2011. In 2012, after Petraeus had resigned, he told the government that he had no classified materials in his possession. When the FBI conducted their search of his home in April 2013 they found the black notebooks were actually in an unlocked desk drawer in a first floor study. Petraeus lied to the FBI, claiming he had never provided any classified information to anyone that was not authorized to see it.
Petraeus currently works for New York private equity firm KKR & Co.
Source: CNN, Gen. Petraeus pleads guilty to federal charge, March 3, 2015
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