Being convicted for committing fraud can have serious, life-altering consequences. The punishments associated with a fraud conviction can include substantial financial penalties, jail time, and probation. Under California law, fraud encompasses several different offenses. It is generally considered to be
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According to a new study, medical identity theft, one of the most costly and dangerous types of theft, is on a rise. Study on Medical Identity Theft According to a study done by The Ponemon Institure, medical identify theft increased
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You’ve probably heard the word “indictment” on the news or in court shows. But what exactly does it mean? And what does it mean for a person that has been indicted? “Indictment” An indictment is a formal accusation of a
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You’ve been arraigned. But what does that mean? Here’s some information about what an arraignment is and what you can expect. What is an Arraignment? An arraignment is the first part of a criminal procedure. It occurs in a courtroom
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A bail amount is set in order to ensure that a defendant returns to court and obeys the condition of his or her release while waiting for a trial date. After the case has ended, a bail is no longer
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In a case closely watched by the white collar defense community, a U.S. appeals court has overturned the convictions of two former hedge managers who were believed to have been guilty of insider trading of technology stocks. Insufficient Evidence to
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Fire Chief Mark Ladas is facing charges of grand theft for participating in a financial scheme along with his wife. Grand Theft of $35,000 According to the San Mateo County District Attorney’s Office, Ladas, chief of San Mateo County’s Central County
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The Justice Department will be expanding its National Security division to address ever growing cybercrime. Cybercrime Marks a Change in Landscape According to assistant attorney general for national security John Carlin, the division will now be taking on threats to
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According to Manhattan district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr. five people have been indicted as part of a fraud ring that targeted Saks Fifth Avenue. $400,000 Worth of Fraud The ring used information stolen from shoppers to purchase more than
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Stars of the “Real Housewives of New Jersey,” Teresa and Giuseppe “Joe” Giudice were recently sentenced to prisons time by a federal judge for conspiracy and bankruptcy fraud charges. Prison Terms for Fraud Convictions Teresa Giudice, 42, has been sentenced to
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