A DUI checkpoint is scheduled tonight in the Los Angeles area at: Victory Blvd and St. Clair Ave. Scheduled between 8 am. to 2 am.
Continue reading Los Angeles Area DUI Checkpoint for Friday 2/15/2013First Time DUI and Ignition Interlock Devices

Despite the enactment of a new legislation in July 2010, many people are still unaware that a first time DUI conviction (in the counties of Los Angeles, Tulare, Alameda & Sacramento) will now require the installation of an Ignition Interlock
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From the files of the “all is not well within the Los Angeles Police Department,” a manhunt is under way for a former LAPD officer who has allegedly killed three people, including his former LAPD colleagues. You can read more
Continue reading Manhunt for former LAPD Police OfficerBill Introduced to arm California Teachers

In response to the rash of high profile shootings, California legislators have proposed a new bill to arm teachers and other school workers. The bill would require certain training and requirements for teachers who may be interested, but it also
Continue reading Bill Introduced to arm California TeachersDUI Check Points in the Los Angeles Area: Week of 1/25/13
Friday (1/25) DUI Checkpoint – Los Angeles, CA – W Manchester Ave & Denver Ave – from 8pm To 2am. Inglewood City Limits (undisclosed) 9pm To 3am – Sat Jan 26, 2013 Long Beach (undisclosed) 7pm To 3am – Sat
Continue reading DUI Check Points in the Los Angeles Area: Week of 1/25/13Driving Under the Influence (DUI) and Forced Blood Draw goes to the Supreme Court

In a case that may finally test the limits of warrantless searches and DUI,’s the United States Supreme Court recently heard argument concerning when police may force a blood draw upon suspicion of a drunk driving traffic stop. In expressing
Continue reading Driving Under the Influence (DUI) and Forced Blood Draw goes to the Supreme CourtCyber Crime Ring Causes Worries for Online Banking
A new cyber crime ring the subject of a federal case in New York, alleges three foreign nations of infecting computers with viruses in an effort to steal private customer data and information. Read more about this new case here.
Continue reading Cyber Crime Ring Causes Worries for Online BankingThree Shot in Houston School Shooting

At least three people were wounded Tuesday at a Lone Star College campus in the Houston area after two men opened fire on each other in an academic building, authorities said. At least of shooter and two bystanders, both students,
Continue reading Three Shot in Houston School ShootingFake DUI Arrests by Award Winning Trooper Lawsuit & Investigation Says
We have often posted about the subjective and dubious field sobriety tests used by law enforcement. Moreover, we have posted before about alleged “super cops” who rack up hundreds of DUI arrests per year and receive awards for their efforts.
Continue reading Fake DUI Arrests by Award Winning Trooper Lawsuit & Investigation SaysCinco De Mayo and DUI Enforcement Checkpoints & Patrols
Cinco de Mayo weekend will have heightened police DUI saturation patrols and DUI checkpoints in Los Angeles, the San fernando Valley and Southern California in general. A few local area checkpoints are as follows: North Hollywood – May 5, 2012
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