DUI Defense

Being arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) is an offense that can carry serious consequences. Additionally, California’s DUI laws can be especially confusing. Working with a lawyer can ensure you understand the full process and get a
Two Cases with CA DUI
When you are arrested in California for DUI, the arrest creates not one, but two cases: a DUI criminal case and a DMV suspension case. The arrest can lead to costly fines, changes to your auto insurance, community service, suspension of your license, amongst other things. There are even further consequences that can happen if another person or car is involved in the accident, if you caused damage to another car or building. This can result in the classification of the DUI as a misdemeanor or felony. If you hold a professional job, such as a doctor or lawyer, you can be subjected to loss of ability to continue working in that position.
First Offense v. Multiple Offenses
Consequences for a first offense DUI can be severe, but are less severe than a second offence DUI. Serious penalties can occur for third or forth DUI offenses.
Hire a DUI Defense Lawyer
Because being charged with a DUI in California can result in serious fines and possible jail time, it’s important that you hire a DUI defense attorney as soon as possible. Various DUI defenses can be applied to help lesson the consequences you are facing. While it can be a very overwhelming experience, working with a skilled and determined DUI defense lawyer to develop an effective defense strategy can lesson the consequences you may be facing.
The Law Office of Peter Berlin – Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney
16130 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 570, Los Angeles, CA 91436
(310) 289-5418
(310) 289-5418